Tuesday, June 30, 2009

living in Bayern

Living in Bavaria is different than living in Israel and even in other parts of Germany.

I am not going to say that 5 months here is a long enough study, but here are a couple interesting things:

1. Beer is taxed as food, and not as alcoholic drinks. Oh, and its very good and very cheap.
2. In the summer, every week there is some kind of festival even in small villages.

Combine 1+2 and you get lots of opportunities to have fun in Bayern (Bavaria).

Friday, June 26, 2009

Party belts

Party belts are very common in Germany.
They are sold for 4-8 Euros and have small pockets with bottles with different drinks in them.

Here is a guy with two belts, taking the underground train in Nuremberg on June the 20th at around 10 o'clock in the morning. He was traveling with 3 friends.

...and an Adv. for another one

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rhapsody's idea of Dialog boxes

This is another symptom of Rhapsody's bad IDE design. Their dialog boxes are packed with information, which often causes users to just click on OK without reading what they say.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

IE8 has a meaningless progress bar

Why add a progress bar animation if does not show any progress in the installation process?

This progress bar just goes from side to side until the installation ends.

If you don't have any info on how the installation progresses and you still want some animation, go ahead and use the silly files copy animation, or create something new.